2024 Paris Olympics - Record-Breaking Swims and Opening Ceremony Controversies

Paris game artistic swimming

China is really proud of Pan Zhanle after he won a gold medal at the Paris Olympics, even though some didn't believe his amazing swim was possible. Pan broke his own world record in the 100-meter freestyle, finishing in 46.60 seconds, and this made him the first Chinese swimmer to win gold in Paris. He beat Australia's Kyle Chalmers and Romania's David Popovici.

Some posted on Instagram saying that it wasn’t "humanly possible" for Pan to win like that against such tough competitors, it felt unreal because Pan won over other swimmers by a whole body length.

The Chinese swimming team has faced scrutiny before, especially after 23 swimmers tested positive for a banned substance in 2021. However, an investigation found that the positive tests were due to contamination from a hotel kitchen. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and an independent review supported these findings. Pan’s name wasn’t involved in these reports.

Swimming 100 meter free style

Chinese media defended Pan strongly. The Global Times called his win a "powerful rebuttal" to the doubts, and China Daily mentioned that he passed all doping tests. Pan himself said his team was tested almost daily but it didn’t affect his training.

Everyone was competing fairly and that Pan deserved his win. Pan's teammate, Zhang Yufei, also defended him, saying his results were legitimate and achieved under strict testing. She pointed out that other fast swimmers like Michael Phelps and Katie Ledecky weren’t doubted like Pan was.

Olympics the last supper controversy

Wow, this year’s Olympics has been really exciting and full of surprises! Pan Zhanle’s world record in the 100-meter freestyle was the only world record broken, and it caused a lot of buzz, especially with some people doubting it.

There were also some controversies right from the opening ceremony. Some people accused the organizers of mocking Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting, The Last Supper. It all started because there was a performance where the athletes were arranged in a way that looked similar to the painting, and this upset some viewers who thought it was disrespectful.

Female boxing controversy

Another big controversy was during the boxing matches. An Algerian transgender athlete beat an Italian female boxer, which made the Italian athlete cry because she thought the match was unfair. This stirred up a lot of discussions and emotions about fairness in sports.

Despite these controversies, the Olympics have been full of incredible performances and memorable moments. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions for fans and athletes alike!

And we can't forget about the Turkish mixed team in the 10-meter air pistol event. One of their shooters, who started the game only wearing casual attire became an unexpected media sensation after their remarkable performance winning silver. This funny appearance captured many sport fans huge attention.

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