
Showing posts from August, 2024

Activate Python Virtual Environment to keep each project using separate Packages

Activate python terminal virtual environment When you're working on multiple Python projects, it's really important to keep the different packages (or dependencies) for each project separate. This is because sometimes, one project might need a different version of a package than another project. If you don't separate them, things can get mixed up and cause problems. In other programming languages like Java with Maven or JavaScript with Node.js, you don't really have to worry about this because they handle it automatically. But in Python, you need to use something called a virtual environment for each project. Here’s how you can do it: 1. Create a virtual environment for your project by opening your terminal (or command prompt) and typing: python -m venv myenv Replace "myenv" with whatever name you want to give your virtual environment. 2. Activate the virtual environment: - On Windows, type: myenv\Scripts\activate - On macOS and Linux, type: so

Allow PS1 Scripts Execution on Windows Terminal PowerShell

Windows Terminal PowerShell To allow the execution of scripts ( .ps1 files) on your system, you'll need to change the execution policy. You can do this by running as an Administrator and using the following command: 1. Open as Administrator: - Press Win + X and select Windows (Admin) or Windows Terminal (Admin) if you're on a newer version of Windows. 2. Change Execution Policy: - To allow the execution of scripts, run: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned - This policy allows scripts created on your local computer to run, but scripts downloaded from the internet must be signed by a trusted publisher. 3. Confirm the Change: - will prompt you to confirm the change. Type Y and press Enter to proceed. I think Windows is the best operating system because it's super easy to use, and most people are already familiar with it. Plus, it runs all kinds of programs, from games to school stuff. Now, they've got this new thing called Microsoft Windows Terminal. It&

Laziness Bothers Me: The Unfairness of Working Harder Than Others

Programmer Joker I've finally come to understand what stirs my frustration so often. It's not just the everyday challenges or minor setbacks; it's something deeper, something tied to my core values. The realization that has dawned on me is that I am intensely ambitious, driven by a desire to work hard and achieve greatness.  This ambition, while it propels me forward, also has a darker side that I hadn't fully recognized until now. The root of my frustration lies in how I perceive others who don't share the same level of dedication. When I see someone not working as hard as I do, especially if they seem to be pretending or acting as though they are better than me, it triggers a sense of injustice.  It feels as though they want to reap the rewards of success without putting in the necessary effort, and that strikes me as fundamentally unfair. I've sacrificed so much time and effort in my pursuit of success, often at the cost of personal comfort and leisure. Late

Introducing Kafka Web Client: A User-Friendly Interface for Kafka Clusters

Kafka explorer web client Hey everyone! I’m super excited to share with you a project I’ve been working on – the Kafka Web Client ! It’s a web-based tool that makes it easier to connect with Kafka clusters, send messages, and listen to topics. If you’ve ever worked with Kafka, you know it can be a bit tricky, but this client aims to make everything a whole lot simpler with a clean and responsive UI. What is Kafka Web Client? The Kafka Web Client is like a bridge between you and your Kafka brokers. It gives you a neat, user-friendly interface where you can easily connect to Kafka brokers, send messages to topics, and even listen to real-time messages as they come in. It’s built using some awesome technologies like Express , Kafka-Node , , and SQLite on the backend, and Tailwind CSS and jQuery on the frontend. Cool Features You’ll Love Here’s a quick look at some of the neat features: - Connect to Kafka Brokers : You can manage connections to different Kafka broker

JavaScript Code to Migrate Your Blogger Content to SQL

Export blogger post to MySQL Are you thinking about moving your blog from Blogger to something more powerful? We’ve got something new called Blogger to SQL Dump that can help make this change super easy! What is Blogger to SQL Dump? Blogger to SQL Dump is a handy tool made with Node.js. It lets you log in with your Google account, pick any of your Blogger blogs, and turn all your blog posts into an SQL file. This is really useful if you want to move your blog to platforms like WordPress, Drupal, or even your own website with a database. Cool Features - Safe Google Log-in : You can log in securely with your Google account to see your blogs. - All Your Blogs in One Place : You can see all your Blogger blogs and pick which one you want to export. - Easy Export : With just one click, you can download all your blog posts as an SQL file, ready to go into your new website. - Simple to Use : The tool has a clear and easy-to-use interface, so you won’t get lost! Why Use Blogger to SQL Dump? M

How to make shortcut key Ctrl + Alt + T to open Windows terminal

Windows Desktop Shortcut Today, I'm going to share a cool trick on how to open the Windows Terminal using only shortcut keys! We’re going to set the shortcut as Ctrl + Alt + T so you can do it super fast without touching the mouse. Here's how you can do it: 1. Create a Shortcut for Windows Terminal ( wt.exe ): - Right-click on your desktop or in a folder where you want the shortcut. - Select New > Shortcut. In the location field, enter the path to wt.exe: Copy file path: C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe OR C:\Windows\System32\wt.exe - Click Next, then name the shortcut (e.g., "Windows Terminal"). - Click Finish to create the shortcut. 2. Assign Ctrl + Alt + T to the Shortcut: - Right-click the shortcut you just created and select Properties. - In the Shortcut tab, find the Shortcut key field. - Click inside the field and press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard. This will automatically set the shortcut key to Ctrl

2024 Paris Olympics - Record-Breaking Swims and Opening Ceremony Controversies

Paris game artistic swimming China is really proud of Pan Zhanle after he won a gold medal at the Paris Olympics, even though some didn't believe his amazing swim was possible. Pan broke his own world record in the 100-meter freestyle, finishing in 46.60 seconds, and this made him the first Chinese swimmer to win gold in Paris. He beat Australia's Kyle Chalmers and Romania's David Popovici. Some posted on Instagram saying that it wasn’t "humanly possible" for Pan to win like that against such tough competitors, it felt unreal because Pan won over other swimmers by a whole body length. The Chinese swimming team has faced scrutiny before, especially after 23 swimmers tested positive for a banned substance in 2021. However, an investigation found that the positive tests were due to contamination from a hotel kitchen. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and an independent review supported these findings. Pan’s name wasn’t involved in these reports. Swimming 100 meter

How to Switch Between Account in Google Platform: Drive, Docs, YouTube, Gmail

Google Products We use Google a lot, becoming increasingly dependent on their services. Google offers many web-based platforms, such as Google Docs, which can replace Microsoft Office. Often, we have more than one Google account – one for work and another for personal use. It's not convenient to have them running on the same browser, but there's a trick to switch between those accounts. The trick lies in the URL. When you open Google Docs, you'll notice the URL . By changing the 0 to 1, the URL becomes , and it will switch to your second account. If you have a third account, change the 1 to 2, and continue increasing the number for additional accounts. The number in the URL ( u/0/ or u/1/ ) represents the user account context within the Google Docs environment. Google allows users to be signed in to multiple Google accounts simultaneously in a single browser session. The number indicates which user account is

You Are Not Alone: Finding Strength and Brightness Together

Warm family adventures Remember, You Are Not Alone Sometimes the world can feel really big, and we might feel small and lost in it. But it’s important to know that we are not alone. Even though the world is huge and we might not know everyone, there is something that connects all of us. In This Big World, We All Feel Unknown Everyone, no matter who they are, sometimes feels unsure and scared. We all go through life, sometimes feeling like we don’t know what to do next. This feeling of being "unknown" is something everyone experiences. Knowing this can help us understand and be kind to each other because we all have our own problems and fears. Hand in Hand, We Find Our Way Life can be scary and hard, but it’s easier when we have friends and family to help us. By sticking together and helping each other, we can get through tough times. Holding hands shows that we are not alone, and it reminds us to work together. When we do this, life becomes less scary, and we can find our wa

The World is Destroyed by The Apps and The Internet

Dystopian future on earth and the doom of humanity As a developer, I've been reflecting on the impact of apps, social media, and the internet in general, and sometimes it feels like the negative aspects outweigh the positives. While software can indeed help people, it often seems like its benefits primarily serve those who are already well-off, making the rich richer and widening the gap between the wealthy and the poor. Software doesn't alleviate poverty or end world hunger. Its impact is more about providing conveniences to those who can afford them, rather than creating substantial change for those in need.  Moreover, software can sometimes divide us as social creatures. People might become more selfish, spending time on distracting entertainment apps instead of engaging in real communication. It also provides a platform for bad actors to spread propaganda and misinformation. Social media Influencers Recently, I've come across some revelations about Mr. Beast, one of the

Change GitLab Account on your local Git configuration on Windows

The amazing Gitlab Recently, I created a new GitLab account and wanted to switch to it on my local machine. When pushing to a remote repository, the credentials from the first account are still being used. Typically, you need to remove the old user credentials and then authorize the new account. Here's how to do that on Windows. 1. Remove Stored Credentials If you've been using HTTPS for authentication, your credentials might be stored in the Windows Credential Manager. Removing these old credentials is the first step to ensure that your local machine asks for the new ones. Using Windows Credential Manager Open Credential Manager: Press Win + S , type "Credential Manager" and open it. Find GitLab Credentials: Navigate to the "Windows Credentials" tab and look for entries related to GitLab, which are likely named something like git: . Remove these entries to delete the stored credentials. Remove these credentials 2. Update Git Use