Airline Booking System Free Template at Github

In my spare times i try to create many HTML template as much as possible, i feel like i don’t want to waste my time doing nothing, the only thing i know in this world is through coding, i will share it for free, so i am trying to be useful as long as i am alive. By always coding it keeps my brain sharp, I sometimes end up finding some new and interesting idea while in the process of making one type of template.

I have always dreamed of managing my own airlines, or actually having my own company, any type of industry. But one of my favorite types of company is the airline company, because it still feels like not as many as other types of industries. It's also just cool to own so many airplanes worth billions each.

So here's what a free airline web page template i provide you for to clone, which include the following pages:

  1. Front page with form to book a flight
  2. Front page with form to check in a flight
  3. A member registration and login

In the next few days I will update the styles and features so it is more useful with an API call to really store user information and transactions in a database. For I leave it as it is because of the limited time I have.

Git Repository Free Airline Booking System

Usually most modern airlines not just provide you a flight for air transport, it provides accommodations and car rental that integrates with other services. Some even provide you with a vacation and tour guide, so the airline business actually coexists and can grow as a traveling business.

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