
Showing posts from 2022

Building web app using Firebase - Part 2 (Create API and Read Write DB)

Our First Web App Using Firebase Continuing from the previous post, which is only just one time only setup, let's further advance on doing the codes. After the Realtime database is ready and you have created a document, we need to develop the code. Just create a typical Node-js project as described below: Write our first Firebase function After you created the document you followed from the previous post, you already have the read and write API to your document. For example, you will be able to read your "user_detail" document using HTTP GET Request to "https://[PROJECT_ID]" . More on using Rest API can be read here . Although Firebase RealtimeDB has its Rest API implementations, sometimes, When we need some underlying logic for our app, we need to create an API. But here's just an example of how to create a simple API using firebase functions. 1. On your project, initia...

Building web app using Firebase - Part 1 (Create Firebase Project)

Google Firebase In the following example, We will develop the most efficient way to build a website. Unfortunately, people tend to over-engineer a website by using more and more tech stacks; yes, it will boost productivity later, but sure, the learning curve if you are not familiar with the stack; it just drains your energy and wastes your remaining precious time living on this planet Earth (which you only have once), which is very beautiful to explore rather than if you are just sitting there doing something about human-invented technology. The solution is Firebase; this gonna be a cheat sheet for whenever you want to start building a new project or if you are just a beginner using Google firebase. This will guide you through creating a website from scratch. No server setup required; no dev-ops skills needed, with NoSQL database to not be bothered by the SQL and its slowness and many problems with locking, foreign keys, maximum column size, and so on. Let’s just start building a w...

Intellij Spring Boot JSP Page not found or too many redirects

Intellij IDEA - the leading Java IDE This is a bug in IntelliJ version 2021.3 probably gonna be fixed in the future release version of IntelliJ. So, if you have a similar problem, maybe this can fix it. The error usually shows up as page Not found or too many redirects, when you run spring boot code with JSP template using the Intellij run icon. Here’s a simple quick fix to solve it: - Go to the run Edit configuration - Select Modify option - Select a Working directory - And put this variable: $MODULE_DIR$   - Then run once again It is not something wrong with your code, JSP codes, if you debug it you will see that everything just works. Even if you are using the spring-boot maven plugin, like doing mvn spring-boot:run the program just works fine. Sometimes we need to debug our project using the IntelliJ debugging feature, which is impossible to do by just using the maven spring-boot plugin. So we need to run the program using the IDE. I hope this can fix and solve ...

Commands To Remove Folder Using Windows Powershell

Accidently removes an important document If you are a Unix person trying to operate Windows, you probably gonna typed RM -RF SOME-FOLDER in Powershell and expect it to remove a folder. But unfortunately, it won’t work on windows, even In the older versions of the windows terminal system. To delete a directory you’ll have to use rmdir /s /q the-folder-name.  But again it won't work anymore on Windows PowerShell. You have to learn lots of power shell commands.  Solutions To remove some folders on your computer using windows PowerShell, execute this command line below: remove-item -recurse -force THE_FOLDER_NAME The recurse is equivalent to “-r” in Linux. It forces the commands to remove the nested folder. And the -force is similar to ‘-f’ in Linux. To force delete the file if some other program is holding it. Those commands also can be applied to remove files. But without -recurse and -force options. That command is similar to the Unix rm -rf folder.  And in the older Windo...

Become An Efficient Programmer

Work Efficiently - Photo by Alexandr Podvalny on Unsplash As all of the industry around the world digitizes their businesses, there’s a huge demand for more software developers. A very labor-intensive job that requires focus, sitting for hours and staring at the LCD screens, sometimes overlaps with the weekends, not that it’s wanted but because the task requires an excessive amount of time. Promises of a good salary and stable career path, people rush trying to school themselves and even their children to enter the Tech world, which is still not too late yet may be on the brink of decline, as AI now can perform to write their own codes, and Developers are in danger of being replaced. I remembered not so long ago, about 8 years ago, my first professional job as a software coder began. Not a pleasant year being very junior, in any industry. I had to have a big brave face to not only face very mad clients but also my coworkers and myself, my inner thoughts telling me that I should've...

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