
Showing posts from July, 2021

4 Marketing Principles to Learn for Beginners

4 Marketing Principles to Learn for Beginners Starting into a marketing business is so difficult, you can’t just say you jump knocking the door and offering a product to the customer, although it is practically possible, it’s not going to be very efficient in current day market situations. Here are a few beginners marketing principles to learn if you are just starting in marketization of your product, or company you are working in. Specialization Specialization is determining where you are going to specialize which your product or service is categorized. It can be a product or service, or it can be a particular market area that you want to work in. For example, McDonald's customers are people who want to eat quickly and they want cleanliness, efficiency, value, price and pleasant surroundings. What they will do is they will offer every product that they possibly can for people who want to eat quickly whether it's a burger, milk shake, ice cream, coffee serve based on that speci...

Event Driven Microservice Spring Boot with Apache Kafka

Apache kafka logo Apache Kafka in simple terms is a collection of logs of events when some data in a database changes, divided into topics. This is why it is called event driven architecture, when some service saves data in a database, you use Kafka to produce an event so that other services (wherever it is located) can listen on that event and do some computation whatever they want based on the event that is firing. Kafka is usually used for microservices architecture, so instead of reading data from a database, each microservices communicate with Kafka events, which we call produce and consume. Produce is Kafka term to emit a message to a specific topic, meanwhile consume is to listen to an event that contains data that is produced by some other microservices. Monolithic application Microservice architecture application What is Event-driven Microservices Microservice design is a way to develop an application and split it into small independently deployable services, each microservice...

What is a database system in information technology?

Database server infrastructure - Image by Colossus Cloud from Pixabay In Information Technology (IT), a database is an infrastructure that can store collection of data. Storing data in a database makes the data more structured and can be controlled easily. Saving and retrieving data with a given set of commands or queries, that is more popularly called structured query language (SQL). Nowadays, IT database systems can be divided into two major popular different type, RDBMS         and NoSQL database. RDBMS is pretty old, meanwhile NoSQL is the new kid that is trying to get more and more attention from the developer community because it allows for high-performance, agile processing of information at massive scale. RDBMS The Relational Database Management System or Relational database is a database System that is known as an advancement version of DBMS database system. If we talk about RDBMS, we cannot separate it by its SQL language. An SQL or structured query lang...

What's worth the money to be rich and successful

Britney Spears wireimage Commercial appeal The young Britney Spears has commercial appeal. It's very rare to hear someone that age who can deliver emotional content and commercial appeal. For any artist, the motivation, the 'eye of the tiger' is extremely important. And Britney had that. The eye of the tiger A feeling of confidence and power is the key not only for gaining commercial benefit, but also for everything that one wants to achieve. The strength and confidence of someone determines success for whoever they master those traits. Characteristics of a success They follow their own dream; they pursue mastery and understand that money is a by-product of the value they offer. they are not multitasking people; they are more focused on one thing they believe they can make it. No worry and no fear, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. They take action and are very optimistic. How to sell a pen Understand what kind of person you are selling to. Hype about the pen yo...

Online Platform to Compete and Test How Quick You Are At Typing

If you are a computer geek like me, typing is one of the routine activities you must do every single second. Having the ability to type faster than other people is a set of skills that you can be proud of. It is not easy to train yourself to have very quick typing ability. Typing faster can also be a valuable skill some companies may demand. There’s no other better online program that you can test your self-ability of typing, how fast you can type other than using this online platform called About The award-winning online typing competition, TypeRacer, allows people to race each-other by typing quotes from books, movies, and songs. It is the first multiplayer typing game on the web. Since launching in March, 2008, millions of people from all over the globe have completed hundreds of millions of races on, improving their typing speed by as much as 50 words-per-minute. TypeRacer is available in 50 different languages. How to compete on Typeracer...

10 Most Quora Best Questions and Answers

Quora's best questions and answers Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash This is such a big topic that cannot be justified by one single blog post. There are so many questions in the world that have been around and some are meant to never be solved because the universe has always had a secret. And some questions are just comforting to us to know the answer, that can give us light and hope when we feel lost in life's unending struggles. Some Quora answers are just top and well written, that make you feel guilty for reading that valuable material for free. It feels like it deserved more than as it is just free to read, sometimes we don’t even recognize who's the person writing that answer, truly they deserved more out of it. Here are some 10 most Quora’s best question and answers that in my opinion is life changing reading material. It gives me comfort and better understanding on how to act better to survive and thrive in this journey of life. 1. What is the meaning of life? Asim ...

How to create website in 2021 for free, quick and stunning

Nowadays, creating a new website is something that everyone can do. Starting for free design to quality paid themes, but usually a free website to start with is not something that will look embarrassing. You can make your free website look more professional by learning web design. Firstly, you need to know that a website with your personal brand domain name is not going to be free, you need to pay about $10 to buy your domain name, something like or Or any other domain you want. 1. Find free website builder I am not going to make any promotion about website builders in this tutorial so, this is a genuine post about choosing a free website builder. What I mostly do is by searching everything on Google. So to find free website google, search on Google: build website free And when the result comes out, click on the first website that appears, usually the best website that appears at the very top is already the best for website builders. And already have lots of ...

Feel unhappy with your new you job, how to deal with moving to new job

Stress and Anxiety Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash I’m just a few days working at my new job, it just feels horrible. I was so stressed, anxious about the next day, and felt helpless, wanting to cry and just feel unhappy. Even though I have so much experience, at this new job, everything feels new to me and there is still so much to learn. I almost give up and want to quit and go back to my old job, where everything is just so much fun. But there's no way back, I have already quit and there’s no way I can just give up from moving forward with my dream. I feel like It’s not that I don’t know. But more like that I am so overwhelmed that I can’t think straight. Then I started to question my decision to change careers. I feel like this is not a good decision. I was thinking of not coming back to that new office, that's how overwhelmed I feel. I think I am too much confident that whenever moving to a new place I would just feel nothing, but actually there's a lot more than that...

Building Web Application Using PHP Step 1

PHP Logo PHP is a general-purpose programming language but it’s mainly used for building web applications. It can be used to create web applications pretty quickly with some easy set up and programming syntax to learn. Building web applications can be done quickly by using PHP because PHP is very specialized for building web applications, along with MySQL and Apache web server. Here ‘s how to start creating web applications in PHP.  The first thing you need to begin with web programming in PHP is to install the server stack, which is Apache web server, MySQL and PHP itself. 1. Setup Apache Web Server To install Apache MySQL and PHP in Windows, Linux or Mac OS, full stack web server, you can just use XAMPP, it’s a bundled server stack that inside it contains all the server stack you need, so by installing XAMPP, you don’t have to install them separately. Visit XAMPP official website here , download and install the XAMPP and Version you lik...

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