
Showing posts from July, 2020

Develop Web Based Application Faster Using PHP

Wordpress logo I’ve been developing apps using many different frameworks, across different languages, so I can tell you which one is best for building web based applications the quickest, simplest and easiest. For me PHP is the easiest way to build web based applications, you don’t need to compile the codes, you don’t have to use classes with long namespaces, etc.  And PHP is widely known, it’s actually very popular, so if you have some troubles while writing your codes, you can just do some quick search and find the answers right away.  Web based app using Wordpress If you just want to build a Web blog, company profile, no need complex business process, just using Wordpress is enough. Wordpress is not just a blogging platform, it can be much more complex than that. The way you do customization is by developing a custom plugin. Many developers in the Wordpress community already build themes, templates and set of complex features, for example for Ecommerce purpose, Inventory ma...

How To Create An Import Excel/Spreadsheet Data Using PHP, Laravel and Phpspreadsheet

If you build a data management app using PHP and Laravel Framework, maybe you need to have a feature to import data from spreadsheet files. Follow these steps below. We are gonna create a user interface form to upload the spreadsheet file and then process the data and insert them into our database. 1. Database table schema for our data In this example we are gonna use an example with Users data, it can be Customers, employees or anything. Here’s an example of the table schema that we are gonna use in our database. 2. Spreadsheets template We must define a valid spreadsheet template, an Excel file with XLSX extensions, and a set of headers to guide our user to fill the cell in the correct order. Here’s an example. 3. Install the library We are using a library called phpoffice/phpspreadsheet, it’s available on composer, so simply using composer command to include the library into our project. composer require phpoffice/phpspreadsheet 4. Set routes to map a controller for our UI and data ...

Heroku Free Cloud Platform, Start Develop Your Personal Project For Free

Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash I’ve been switching my projects lately from a Bare Metal VPS Server to Cloud or Platform as a service kind of type, as it is much more simpler, all i needed now is to focus more on the codes and the business logic, not on the infrastructure. As you may already know if you follow Tech news, people nowadays talk a lot about Clouds. And that’s why there's so many companies trying to compete as a cloud provider.  So now, we have many options to choose to deploy our project for the public user much faster because of the Clouds.  I see big companies like Google, Amazon, Alibaba and so many I can't mention offering Cloud. Some of them offer unlimited trials, but with limitations in storage and bandwidth. For hoby or individual projects, it’s okay to use free trials since we didn’t have any customers yet, we wouldn’t need so much resources in our cloud. Heroku Cloud Heroku is one of my favorite cloud providers. I've tried Google Cloud, b...

The Internet Distractions We Face Day To Day

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash Because I often get distracted by many things when I am in front of the internet, I've been thinking why this happens to me? Or if it also happens to you, then why does it happen to us? So why were we distracted? It is because as our brains evolved and became large and complex, and the easiness of information we can get from the internet, we are thinking about many things simultaneously, we want to improve this, improve that, basically everything, and it’s not wrong, that’s how we human species survive until this moment.  Our survival mechanism requires us to improve ourselves day by day, so we must learn new things in order to survive, we must be the smartest and the strongest in order to survive and to pass our genetics to our offspring. Also as we grow into adults, day to day, we face different people each time, and we face many problems too, and if we want to solve that problem, we need to learn how to solve it. What is most effective to min...

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