Candlestick for dummies, 90% Accuracy. What i know little bit about how to predict stock price

It never guarantees that all these candlestick patterns can work all the time, because predicting stock market using technical analysis is not enough, there’s also one important factor, a fundamental of the company, that plays a significant role of its stock prices. But below candlestick is what I call common sense, after years of years reading the candlestick chart, these are what comes to my conclusion of whether the price will go up or down. There’s human psychology involved in determining stock prices so by reading candlestick, i believe know about 90% accuracy where the price will move (but again not always). GREEN CANDLE BIGGER THEN 3-4 PREVIOUS READ (SUPPORT) NOT BIG ENOUGH GREEN CANDLE (RESISTANT) NOT HAVE BIG GREEN BODY, BUT THE STICK IS LONGER THAN PREV POSITION DEFINITELY SUPPORT HAMMER CONSOLIDATION (HOLD UNTIL FURTHER INDICATOR FOR SUPPORT OR RESISTANT) Sometimes none of those things works, but most of the time it can work, because st...