
Showing posts from January, 2020

Drinking Coffee Help You Boost Energy And Focus, But...

Insomnia coffee, Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash If you feel dull, or unmotivated it is probably because your energy is low, I often feel that when trying to start work and get nothing done because the lack of focus and energy. Then i decides to brew a cup of coffee, a few minutes later, not only it warms my body, it also boosts the energy level, help me really focus to get done the jobs i have. Drink a big glass of coffee is my routines, I start brew coffee in the morning or in the late afternoon if it's weekend, for me, I can't  start working if i don't have caffeine in my bloodstream, so coffee has been the most important part of my life.  Studies say coffee is good and held many health benefits, for example lower your risk of Type 2 Diabetes, prevent from Alzheimer or Dementia, lower risk Parkinson, protect your liver from hepatitis and many other you can find from consuming caffeine. But besides that many good health benefits about coffee, I find myself ...

Helpful Tips If You Want To Write Blog Posts Consistently

Work and Coffee Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash To write consistently on a blog is not easy, especially if you've just started a blog not very long, and it is not making any money yet, you don't feel to continue writing because lack of motivation. Also technically, writing is difficult, writing a blog post at least one article a day is not an easy thing anyone can do, it can be daunting and stressful for just thinking about the topic you are about to write today, let alone to do it consistently on a daily basis. So here's what you have to do if you want to keep create and publish content on your blog every day. 1. Have a motivation why you are writing Think about the benefit of writing,  or the benefit of your blog, maybe it can help somebody, maybe it can be your source of revenue. Choose whatever reasons as your motivation why are you writing on your blog, you can't hope for something to be done if you don't have motivation. Why do you want t...

How To Be Success In Life, A Beginners Self Improvement

Success In Life Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Who does not want to be a successful person, especially a financial success, Well I bet everybody wants to be a success, a better life, a happy life. The thing is that everybody also know is that to become successful is not an easy journey, through so many obstacles and it requires a self affirmation, motivation and better plans. If you are someone like, who grew up in a poor, lower class, it is going to be even harder because in this capitalistic society, the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, it’s actually true. But don’t worry, if you are not from wealthy family, the chance for you to change your social status is still wide open, but it depends on yourself, only you can change yourself. 1.Have a strong motivation, Make your goals vivid It is hard to do your work if you are lacking in motivation, you are gonna finish it much faster if you have a strong motivation in your mind. So pick one reasons, or whateve...

Is Yogurt Good For You, Health Benefits Of Yogurt?

Is Yogurt Good For You, Health Benefits Of Yogurt? One of delicious dairy products, yogurt is very popular can be found on many supermarket fridge or vending machines. Not only it tastes  good, yogurt also has a lot of nutrition that can be good for your body and health. Here’s nutrition facts in a 100 gram yogurt: Calories 59 g Total Fat 0.4 g (0%) Saturated fat 0.1 g (0%) Polyunsaturated fat 0 g Monounsaturated fat 0.1 g Trans fat 0 g Cholesterol 5 mg (1%) Sodium 36 mg (1%) Potassium 141 mg (4%) Total Carbohydrate 3.6 g (1%) Dietary fiber 0 g Sugar 3.2 g Protein 10 g (20%) Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0% Calcium 11% Iron 0% Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 5% Cobalamin 13% Magnesium 2% 1. Health Most cow's milk yogurt contains good bacteria known to be beneficial to the gut, yet when yogurt is heated too high and processed, for instance when it is added to cereal bars, ground into a powder or used to cover raisins, it loses that benefici...

Which Better WinZip vs WinRAR? Windows Zip and Unzip Tools

WinRAR and WinZip Comparison For compression and extracting file in Windows, we need good program that is especially fast and not make your file become corrupt or unusable. WinZip or WinRAR has already proven both have to be the best tool to dealing with file compression and decompression, both work perfect. We deal with compressed files a lot, from flash disk, downloading from the internet and many other source because with compressed file either ZIP or RAR, we distributed many files into single file. And also the compression file working to reduce the size when it's being warped into ZIP or RAR format, so the size is much smaller than if don't compressed it. The two programs for doing file compression i know is WinRAR and WinZip, so here's a comparison of the two most popular compression tools. Slogan WinRAR: Compress, Encrypt, Package and Backup with only one utility WinZip: The easiest way to zip, unzip, protect and share your files Performance I teste...

Reasons Whether To Quit Or Keep Drinking Coffee, Caffeine

Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash I won't say caffeine is bad for you, in terms of health benefits, several studies reveal that drinking coffee regularly doesn't affect your organs in bad way, unlike drinking alcohol will cause your liver, or smoking will deteriorate your throat and lung. Caffeine does have a positive impact for your organs. Caffeine which is the main  thing in  coffee is not a harmful substance, here's some pros and cons about coffee so you can decide whether you want to keep drinks coffee or quit. Pros 1. Coffee Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter Whatever foods or drinks we consume contains energy, but coffee not only gives you energy, it also boosts your energy and make you increasingly aware of your body. With caffeine in your blood you become totally sober, you can use your full brain capability with the help of caffeine. 2. Can Help You Burn Fat Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which sends direct signals to the fat ce...

How To Gain Twitter Followers That Still Works in 2020

Twitter Follower, Chart Goes Up Twitter is kind of old social media, it's not that old but compared to many new social media like SnapChat or Instagram, Twitter is kind of a thing ages ago. But we are gonna talk about Twitter anyway. Some of us still want more Twitter followers, because it feels pretty fun to have people read our tweets, liking or commenting our tweets, it's still fun to have our voices heard by someone. The easiest way to gain followers, not just Twitter, but any kind of social media is so simple, you just have to be popular, either you are a celebrity, athlete or whatever people find that you are a fun guy, or maybe you could be just a guy tweeting fun tweets might it could works. Those are the obvious facts of how many twitter followers you will have. Now there are some technical tricks you can do, these are three different ways of getting more followers on Twitter. 1. Write a lot of tweets with trending hashtag Write a tweet whatever it is, a...

What Passive Income Is, Compared With An Active Income?

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash Passive income is a topic that's very interesting for so many people. So what is passive income really is? Passive income is a type of income where you can earn money without you are actively involved, wherever you are in the world and regardless of whether you're actually physically working or not. That is what passive income definition. These days, many assume that people who can successfully made passive income and earn millions of dollars by doing nothing think that they are a few lucky people, because they don't have to do anything, therefore they can live free and do whatever they want. But the truth behind all the success for those who already enjoyed passive income is that this kind of income or easy money is not something that can be easily achieved, in the process of those who made passive income, they have been through a very rough journey. Passive income is not easy generate, passive income or financial freedom re...

3 Things To Do If You Want To Be Successful In Content Marketing

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash Internet age create opportunity for us to make a living that the world never seen it before, it helps us working in a digital world, one of the example is we can create a content which can attract an audience in which has the opportunity to make profit out of it. Actually there's many different ways you can do if you want to succeed in content marketing industry. But here's just my top 3 practices i can do to maximize the potency on this Internet marketing. 1. Consistency Consistency on supplying content to your blog, podcast or YouTube channel with new content every day is the most guaranteed way to be able to make it in this industry. Maybe not everyday, if it's Video usually it can took longer to produce it. There's like video editing stuff that needs to be done and usually took longer than just contents for blog when you can just write in a certain number of words. If you can create as many as possible, it's ...

New Year Resolutions Of This Blog For 2020 And Me

Photo by Dhaya Eddine Bentaleb on Unsplash I've received countless happy new year email, most of them are not genuine, they don't even mention my name, so it's just a bot email, then I blocked them. Yeah this is not gonna be an informative thing about technology, if you are a reader of this blog or just want to know about this blog or want to know about me, maybe. You may proceed to read further. If you aren't interested in it at all, I'll let you to leave, or even better give a comment or some constructive feedback to help me become a better writer. To make the upcoming posts on this blog would be useful at least. This blog it's been kind of trash, i know there's little something you can get after finish reading some articles on this blog. It's hard to come out with a really sophisticated idea, and then combine it with a list of useful facts, trying to make it to be not boring. I am still struggle on doing that kind of thing. To write a fun...

What is the Cheapest VPS? Google Compute Engine Vs Namecheap VPS Pulsar

Google Compute Engine Vs Namecheap VPS Pulsar If you need a cheap server for running your website, there's plenty of company out there offering really cheap VPS server but it capable of handling some thousands of visitors daily for your website traffics. You don't need to start big when you are just starting your own website or blog, just choose the smallest VPS available will be enough to handle the incoming traffics of visitors of your website, without any lag or any kind of security, performance issues. I've been using Namecheap VPS service for over 5 years now, so I probably i know it better than other services I've never used. Namecheap has really good service, good customer service and product, it has been my favorite. Then i recently just tried the Google Compute Engine, it is part of Google cloud platform, to be honest i am using it as production server because it's kind of difficult to manage it. But from the price perspective here's compas...

ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

MySQL and Maria DB Logo This error happened when I tried to create a new MySQL user using CREATE USER, turn out it doesn't work on MySQL 5.6 and later CREATE USER 'adam'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '5x0kCU9PDQMi4EZQZr1h'; The error message is stated as below ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements Solution Then i try reading MySQL documentation and I got solution by using this simple command below to solve the problem SET GLOBAL validate_password_policy = LOW; Notice that i am using MySQL version 5.7, maybe on other version have different variable name, and the other doesn't have it at all. So to check if that variable is exist in your MySQL version, using this command below SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'validate_password%'; The problem was that i believe MySQL version after 5.6 have strict password to be at least Medium level, so either you are using Password with many combination, or just set the P...

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