Side Jobs Options For Programmers Who Wants To Make Extra Money

Side Jobs, Photo by Maxime Agnelli on Unsplash

This month has been hell, I don't like, I've been focusing on doing full time programming on the company that I work for, so there's no time left for me doing and focus on my own side projects that I really like and care, because i feel it's for the better of my future than just working for my boss.  But, it's been really busy days for me working on this 9-5 job, sometimes so stressful and not very rewarding in the end.

So if you are a programmer and hate your job, you can try these following options so maybe you can have a backup if you actually want to quit.

1. Youtubers

Can be vlogging, teaching stuff, gaming or whatever you like, uploading videos on Youtube is kind of an easy things anybody can do yet it can be very rewarding if you routinely doing it everyday. Upload an original and quality video content, as you gain many subscribers, you will start to become famous, not in billions people, but even just thousands of subscribers, it is still a very good accomplishment.

2. Blogging

People saying that blogging is not relevant anymore, people can't make money from blogging in 2020 because simple reasons that there has been millions of articles online already published, there's no room left for new bloggers to get even some small number of views, also big companies are doing great hiring their best writers so that you can't compete with them.

But I don't believe that the internet is keep growing, there's no indication of slowing down, the people on the internet will never stops playing with their gadgets all day long, try to fulfill their curiosity by searching everything online, and if you can provide them with your insights, there's always a chance of you to succeed as a blogger.

3. Teaching Courses Online

There's so many platforms for you to be an online teachers. It doesn't require anything to be a teacher, as long as you have enough skills that you want to teach based on the category you choose, as programmer for example you can teach how to code from beginner level to advanced.

4. Dropshipping

The commerce world has changed very drastically since the arrival of Amazon or Ebay, just by the click of a button you can buy anything from anywhere as long as you are connected to the internet, people love shopping online, this is the chance for you to get involved in this industry, don't worry even if you don't have you own product to sell, you can be a dropshipper.

Dropshipping is easy, you don't need to be involved in the delivery of the products you sell, it's just you as a salesperson, selling somebody else product to target consumer with your strategy, you can find online advertising, could be Google ads, Facebook ads, Instagram or whatever platform that has many people on it. You can learn it online though, there's been so many people make a good living by just doing dropshipping and they are gladly want to teach you their tricks.

Not just programming I also like Reading books and writing online, on blogs, countless of articles I've been published, even though not given me much, but it is important that I do what I really like. I am trying to write quality content on this blog routinely, but this full time job is preventing me from going further on my side projects because there's a lot of tasks I have to do, I really want to quit, but I don't know how can I survive in this world without a full time job.

As a full stack programmer working on small IT consultant company, i feel underpaid. But I am aware of it, it just a small IT company, I don't expect too much from this company, besides there's benefits of working on small company like i don't need to work all the time, sometimes because we finished the client requests before the due time, we can start doing our own sides jobs, and i have many side jobs. Blogging, teaching online courses, drop-shipping, making mobile apps, etc.

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