Unsplash VS Pixabay, Free Image Stock Plus Minus

Comparing two apple Photo by Raquel Martínez on Unsplash

Unsplash and Pixabay are the two free image no royalty, no copyright, image stock platform. You can download many variety of images both on Unsplash and Pixabay. The different between them is no other than how many collection of images they have.

1. Pixabay: 1 million+ Stunning Free Images to Use Anywhere

With no thorough investigations I just search using Google to compare the Pixabay and Unsplash, how many contents they have. And the results is Pixabay has over 2.56 millions (not accurately measured) items and Unsplash for about 2.59 items (again not accurately measured), but it is not that much different. It doesn't always means to be the exact number, maybe they restricted search engine to crawls their contents, maybe they don't care about search engine optimizations at all, so the number i gave is not a guarantee to be exact. I don't know what any other methods to get the numbers of contents.

The features they have on their web platform is not a measurement to differentiate the quality, because platform features can be changed really easy and drastic, they can be additions, removal and improvement sometimes in just short period of time. As for this blog post being posted, Pixabay has really nice feature for us to be able to download the photograph and choose the resolution we desired, I think it's one plus point for Pixabay.

I don't know if they can stay forever serving royalty free services, sometimes some companies just offer free services at  the beginning of their promotion, even PayPal gave the earliest members $10 dollar. It is really effective campaign offering free services to make the platform popular. I don't know if both Pixabay and Unsplash suddenly change their policy, we just need to prepare.

2. Unsplash: Beautiful Free Images & Pictures

Unsplash doesn't even asking you for donations or even have donations button. They just have ads on the bottom of our images. Meanwhile Pixabay have ads and not mandatorily asking for our donations , but they have donations button each times we download the photograph from the site. I think it is nice to just give the donations, not always, at least a small percentage of our profit from their pictures we downloaded and put it on our website, they will very much appreciate it i guess.

As a blogger, I really need a lot of pictures to make my blog looks little bit alive and not boring for the readers visiting my blog, we are glad that the free services like Pixabay and Unsplash exists, I can't be much more grateful for the existence of those platforms. They give us high resolution and ready to download free images, uploaded by their user base. I am so glad and thankful to them.

The Pixabay is localized, they supported many Languages (Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Indonesia, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, Việt, ไทย, Български, Русский, Ελληνική, 日本語, 한국어, 简体中文). Meanwhile at this moment Unsplash doesn't localized, only have English language.

Pixabay homepage can be visited at www.pixabay.com and Unsplash at www.unsplash.com. You can download millions of available free contents, especially photos. Videos is usually hard to create, so they don't have that much High quality Videos, yet.

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