Call To Undefined Function curl_init() Error in PHP


This error maybe only occur in PHP 5.x, the best thing you need to do, if you have free time, is to upgrade your PHP version to the latest, PHP 7.3 version. There's lot of improvement, bug fixing that has happens since version to version 7.

If you want to use older version of PHP, no need to bothering upgrade, and just want to tackle this error in PHP 5 anyway, follow this 3 simple steps.

1. In PHP.ini uncomment php_curl
2. Add c:/php and c:/php/ext to your environment path
3. Restart Apache

Doing remote connection like API calling in PHP is not hard, PHP is one of the easiest language to learn. To make a remote remote connection in PHP, you can use cURL library, cURL is the simplest way you can use. You can also use file_get_contents, but with cURL you can not just only do GET requests but you can also do POST request using cURL.

Please if any error still appear, don't hesitate to post a comment.

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