
Showing posts from August, 2019

How To Extract Audio From Video Using FFMPEG

FFMPEG stands for Fast Forward MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group), it is a cool tools to do video editing with command line, you run ffmpeg from command line, powershell or terminal, i believe it's multi-platform, it's available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. To download FFMPEG, go to their official web, download the archived file, extract it to your desired location, and add the bin path to your OS system path. To extract audio from mp4 video format, here is the example command: ffmpeg -i input.mp4  -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:03:41 output-audio.aac Replace the input.mp4 with video file you want to extract its audio. The output audio file is in aac format, but it's still playable audio, if you are using Windows 10, you don't need any other program or tool to play it, there's already Groove music player preinstalled, i don't if it's older version of Windows, or other OS other than Windows, usually if a file can't be open, you just need a ...

Create A Maven Java Project On Eclipse IDE

Eclipse is one of the popular Java IDE out there, many people still considered Eclipse as their main integrated development tools for developing Java based project. It is because Eclipse has capability of syntax highlighting, code completion, running, debugging and compiling Java project. In this tutorial, we are gonna discuss how to create a Java project using Maven build tool. Maven is in my opinion the best build tool for Java project, i couldn't explain in detail in this post, because there is gonna be a long list of good and bad about Maven, so it will be discuss on the upcoming post. To create a new maven project: 1. Click File on top menu, and then New and then Project 2. On new Project wizard, choose Maven Project , and then Next 3. On Project location, just click Next 4. On Wizard select archetype, also click Next 5. For testing purpose, you can just fill the group and artifact id with "test", but you can make it whatever as you want 6. ...

How To Delete Windows Services Using CMD

Windows services is usually used for program to be running automatically when our computer started. You can manage windows service using command line as an administrator. So make sure you are account use to login have an administrator privilege. To delete an existing Windows service, first you need to open to "Services" program, just search and open it, then locate the service you want to delete and double click on it, now you can see the service name. Windows Services Detail Now search cmd and Run as administrator, then run this command, to delete the service : sc delete MyWindowsService Note that the service you want to delete is not instantly removed, it will be deleted after you sign out and then sign in again, so do that and check if the service is completely removed, and you are done.

JavaFX Email Validation using JFoenix TextField

Javafx email validation box I encourage you to use Jfoenix material UI for developing JavaFX GUI, I've been using it for a while and been really happy, it's cool library, more people should use it so this cool project will continue to alive, this project been so slow in progress lately. You can use this library, put in your pom.xml dependencies tag. <dependency> <groupId>com.jfoenix</groupId> <artifactId>jfoenix</artifactId> <version>8.0.1</version> </dependency> Use the right version, that version above is for Java 8 and below, if you are using Java 9 and above use this version instead: <dependency> <groupId>com.jfoenix</groupId> <artifactId>jfoenix</artifactId> <version>9.0.9</version> </dependency> What we're gonna do is using JFoenix JFXTextField to make a box that if the user is input the wrong email format, if it's not a valid emai...

Convert MKV Video to MP4 Format with FFMPEG

Convert MKV Video to MP4 Format with FFMPEG  FFMPEG is A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. I have been using it for a while, many kinds of work I've been doing, it works really great, if you want to play around with video editing, you don't need to install software, just download the FFMPEG archived file, extract to your desire location, put FFMPEG on your Path system, and start playing around with your command line. Here's one of easy way to convert video with MKV format to MP4, because mp4 is really popular, you can play it almost anywhere, but i think this day MKV also has grown, but to be safe, i think if you have MKV video you can just convert it to MP4, using this command line. ffmpeg -i video.mkv -c:v copy -c:a copy -acodec ac3 output.mp4 If you don't have the FFMPEG on your system, download it from this official website .

JavaFX Dialog Material Design

Jfoenix is a library to build JavaFX application using Material design principal. One of my favorite library and always use it whenever i program desktop application. You can get the library from this official website , read the documentation for further use, or just put this to your Maven pom.xml : <dependency>     <groupId>com.jfoenix</groupId>     <artifactId>jfoenix</artifactId>     <version>8.0.9</version> </dependency> And this is about showing dialog in JavaFX, it has modern look with shadowing and animation when it showing and closing. This is full example on how to create a dialog with Jfoenix JfxDialog: import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXButton; import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXDialog; import com.jfoenix.controls.JFXDialogLayout; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import j...

JavaFX Alert Dialog Example With Pictures

JavaFX has 5 different alert types, each have their own different icon button, and functionality. You can specify an alert based on what your application need. For example if you want to have and alert to indicate user input error, you can then use an alert then specifying the alert type with  Alert.AlertType.ERROR. And  these are 5 different types of JavaFX alert dialog: 1. Error Alert - usually to indicate an error Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setContentText("Alert Message");; 2. Info Alert - usually use for information Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.INFORMATION); alert.setContentText("Alert Message");; 3. Confirmation Alert Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.setContentText("Alert Message");; 4. Warning Alert Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.WARNING); alert.setContentText("Alert Message");; 5. Empty ...

JavaFX Combo Box with Search Autocomplete

JavaFX is a java framework for building cross-platform desktop application under the Java Platform, i have been doing JavaFX programming for the last couples of months and been feel really happy. It's good practice to build a desktop application UI, instead of web-based UI, i mean, and the thing that it's under Java, it has lot of supporting tools and libraries. Yeah Java has been sucks on the UI, even me as I've been doing web for years, i feel really frustrated doing UI programming for the first time in Java. It is hard to find for example a library to support a combo box with search functionality, you can find it a lot's of lots library in Javascript, but Java, i'd say none, i should implement it myself, and it's been really difficult as i don't think i have enough experiences in JavaFX. So here's a simple implementation of JavaFX combo box with search autocomplete. Create a class name it import javafx.application.Platform...

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