
Showing posts from May, 2019

How To Deploy Spring Boot Web Application To Production

Building web application is somewhat hard, but with good tools support, good programming language, and good framework, this daunting hard time consuming tasks can be minimized and can be somewhat fun. Building web application using Spring Boot has many benefits, of course your gonna doing it faster, easier, large community support, and the beautiful maintainable codes. And the results of your web application performance, because it is Java technology, it can be fast, salable, and capable of handling thousands of thousands transactions. This time i am not going to share java codes, it's just an easy simple tasks how you gonna deploy your application to production server. Of course there's lot of ways to do it, but for this time, i am only showing you 2 of the most easiest way to deploy your application. 1. Embedded Tomcat This is the easiest way, basically you just installed Tomcat to your server, this is article to doing that How to install tomcat on Ubuntu . After that...

What is GraphQL anyway?

GraphQL becomes really popular in these days, what's GraphQL anyway, is it something similiar with SQL, is it just replacement of SQL? For current usage, Graphql is not gonna replace SQL, because most of todays application  using GraphQl in fact still need a database to get data, and database system like MySQL, not changing, and it is pretty dangerous if you expose GraphQl to directly connecting to your database, it is mainly becuase GraphQL can be queriend front frontend application. GraphQl is just a spesification, people can doing whatever they want with a spesification but mostly in current most uses, is how you can query a data from front end application that has spesific limitation by the server side of your application. It can be use to get your data, it can be use to delete a data, it can be use to updating your data, pretty much everything we need for an application. GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a run time for fulfilling those queries with your existing...

How To Create Service On Windows

Windows is really amazing OS, you have cool GUI, full, optimize performance especially for personal PC, it has lot of capabilities that any other OS can't compete with windows. And if you are programmer, windows also support you by providing easiness of program development, like for example when we have a program need to have a service whenever every user log on to their computer. You can create a (.bat) file to be executed when user doing installation. To create service for experiment purpose, you can run cmd using administration privileges sc create MyServiceName binpath= "\"C:Program Files (x86)\My Service\yourProgram.exe\" --someparameter=0" displayname= "My Service" The trick is, always create space after equals sign, and always create double-quotes in your program location. You can add more option, like for the example above we define displayname which will appear as our service name, You can also read more detail about SC command here f...

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