What is DNA Sequencing?

It's basically just determining DNA sequences of one biological creatures. The easiest way to do DNA sequencing is on simple viruses like Sir Frederick Sanger did back in 1977, it easier to do because even a simple organism like virus can contains hundred of thousands of DNA sequences, compare to complex species like human that has billions of sequences, it is still hard to do DNA sequencing on none other than viruses. What's the benefit of DNA sequencing so that it's really important thing to do is because, it is like you can do anything with that sequences of DNA, as you already know, DNA is like our biological body's blue print, if we we do know our own blue print, we can either replicate our self, improve human health, curing diseases in our body like cancer, etc. there is many benefit of knowing the fundamental block of our body. The problem is still remain that's it is really complex things to do, it billion dollar project to map our Genomes because it...