
Showing posts from January, 2019

Smartphone Frame Free Download - PNG Transparent Format

People often searching for Smartphone or iPhone  frame for many purpose, especially those who want to use it as a frame of their app. There's plenty of that out there, but here's the i give you a free one. And it's transparent, so you just gonna need to create another layer for your app Screenshot on top of this frame. Use your favorite image editor, like Photoshop, etc. But if you don't have one, you can download image manipulating program for free, yes there's such a free kind of program, it's call Gimp, go to this page for more information. Thank you for coming to this blog, i hope you like the image we give to you, don't forget to share this page to other friends, if you want to.

Spring Boot Hello World How To

Spring Boot is framework to make web development in Java much more simpler and easier. With Spring boot developing web application can be faster and without having to do lot of configurations. Many modern Java web application are now using Spring Boot. This post is gonna show you how to create a Hello World in Spring Boot. Just follow the steps bellow. 1. To create a spring boot starter go to , which you will get the zip version of your project, it will be codes templates. The dependencies we need is only Web, because it's just a simple hello world program, not require database connection or anything. 2. After you got the zip file, extract that file to your project folder, the structure of our hello world project will be like this. 3. Now create new Class for our controller under com.example.demo, we named it 4. Run the project. Open the browser and got to http://localhost:8000 Now you can start to build your pro...

Add Android Internet Permission In Manifest

Creating an Android app is easy, and lucky us that Android development has such an incredible Android Studio IDE, it helps us a lot to tell us the error at compile time. But unfortunately, android studio doesn't warn us when we miss something important in manifest file like App permission. We mostly using internet for our app, we get the data from the Rest API, we call the services, which usually a JSON data. And to get your android App working with data on the internet, we must specify one simple line permission in our Manifest file. You can simply add this line of XML code on your manifest. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> Place your code right after the <Manifest> tag. You can look the picture below, it is my Manifest on my android project. Now you can run your project again by clicking the Green triangle button on the top right of Android Studio. Don't forget to inform me if something didn't work well.

How Many Videos Are There On YouTube?

YouTube is video sharing platform that has popularity all around the world, except some few countries that blocked YouTube like China. The content creator on YouTube that made them big are mostly ordinary people who has creativity to create content like Video Blog (Vlog) or Gaming. It so simple you just talk or record the screen of your video game and if you are lucky you can make living with YouTube, many people have been proved it. You can easily make money with money, all you need is quantity even with little quality. It is okay, people like dumb stuff. If you wonder how many videos on YouTube, here's the answer, currently it has over 3 Billion Videos, not including video that has been rejected by YouTube because it's violating the YouTube terms of services. How amazing that number is, it is not surprising, because making video is easy, and with the power of internet uploading it online is not so hard. YouTube is free, and even give they can give you money if you get so...

How To Install Codeigniter 3 Using Composer

Codeigniter 3 Project Structure Codeigniter is PHP framework for creating web application with MVC structure, it is good for creating simple web project, because building using the framework is easy and quick, especially if you are a PHP developer. So here's how you can install Codeigniter with Composer, the PHP package manager we love. So rather than download the zip version end extract it, it get lot more easier using Composer. Here's the command: composer create-project kenjis/codeigniter-composer-installer codeigniter The "codeigniter" you can replace it with your project name, as long as it has no space in it. But we don't recommended using this Codeigniter framework version 3 for building large scale web application, because in the end your code will get clunky and end up being so hard to maintains it. It has no Namespaces, it has no package manager, it has no database migration, it can't integrated with IDE like PHPStorm.

How To Use Sass/SCSS In React

Using React is the new and modern way of building front-end web application, for me basically it is the latest efficient way to build web application, you can be more productive and the codes write would be much much more cool. And you will getting much much more better if you replace a classic CSS file with SCSS, if you don't know what it is, SCSS is super set of CSS, it means that you can write normal CSS within it, with additional for example variable support. Your code will be 100% better. To use React and Scss, you can simply just install the SCSS dependency, and React will handle it in the background, no need any configuration. Just doing these: 1. Add SCSS to your project: npm install node-sass --save 2. Now on your App.js, instead of loading CSS file, you change it to CSS for example: import './App.css' become import './App.scss'; That's it, now you can run your app again by npm start .

Install Email On Ubuntu

This is just a summary on how to install mail server on Ubuntu. You can check really complete tutorial from Digital Ocean blog right here How Install Postfix on Ubuntu 18.04 , it's very nice tutorial, you can just follow there for more specific explanation, because this post is not gonna explain it in detail. 1. You can use Postfix sudo apt install postfix 2. Configure Postfix, leave the default value, basiccaly you just press enter sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix 3. Install s-nail sudo apt-get install s-nail 4. Go to your domain manager, on mail section select type MXE record and set the value to your server IP. 5. Set /etc/hostname to what you want to make something that would be your email hostname, for example 6. To test your email is working or not, you can doing like mail -s "Subject" Please refer to digital ocean blog on the link above for more detail.

How To Change Windows Date Using Command Prompt

This tutorial is a tutorial on how to use windows command prompt to change computer date. Why using command line, we can just using GUI instead? We can save our command into .bat file and place the file on our desktop, so in case we want to change the date later, we can simply just click that .bat file. Because to change Windows date using GUI is sometimes confusing and not working. You need to run the command prompt using administrator privileges, to do that I usually click the Windows button to open start menu, and then search for Command Prompt program just by type 'cmd' , after you found it, then right click the program and choose run as administrator. date 12/30/2018 Copy that commands above and paste it onto command prompt, I usually just right click on the command prompt and it will be automatically put the our previous copied text, in this case the commands above that we use to change our Windows date. Change the date you want, the date format above is by ...

Steps To Reverse Proxy Tomcat To Apache Httpd

This is a summary on how to reverse proxy for Tomcat to be handled by Apache Httpd. 1. Apache Httpd installed , if you don't have that, simply just apt install apache2 2. You already have Tomcat running on port 8080, this should be really good link digitalocean - install tomcat 3. These are some Apache httpd module that you should enable a2enmod proxy & a2enmod proxy_http & a2enmod proxy_ajp & a2enmod rewrite & a2enmod deflate & a2enmod headers & a2enmod proxy_balancer & a2enmod proxy_connect & a2enmod proxy_html If those modules weren't installed, then install it first.  4. This configuration will do reverse proxy for your Tomcat port 8080 to be pointed to Apache httpd  port 80, so here's settings for your 000-default.conf. <VirtualHost *:80>     ProxyPreserveHost On     ServerName     ServerAlias     ServerAdmin   ...

How To Create Git Server On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

This post will gonna cover easy way to init git server. To do the following steps, we assume that you already have a server running with SSH access, and you have already understand how git works and you already have some basic knowledge about git commands. 1. Install git on your server, if it is Ubuntu or Debian, you can type this command: sudo apt install git 2. Create a new user called git, so this user will handle all git transaction. On normal Linux, you can just type: sudo adduser git Then you will be asked to set the git user password, just type in password that you can easily remember. 3. Now login to git user that you've been created su git 4. Initialize your project central location git init --bare myproject.git 5. Now on your local computer, open terminal on your local, make sure you already have git on your local computer, and then init your git project, and make first commit. git init git add . git commit -m "first commit" 6. Th...

Create MySQL User Using Command Line

Managing MySQL database is not hard, and if you are familiar with some SQL queries, that would be really an advantages. This is how you can create MySQL user using command line on Windows or terminal on Linux, the commands will work the same. 1. Login to MySQL using root user, and by default the root password would be blank: mysql -u root -p; 2. After successfully logged in, create new user using command: create user 'newuser'@'localhost' identified by 'password'; Using these command, you can create a new MySQL user. 3. Grant privileges new created user using:  GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost'; You must grant privileges new created MySQL user to make it your new created user have some privileges, but in this command we can simply by just using "." (dot) to make all privileges to this user. 4. Flush privileges MySQL system: flush privileges; You need to flush privileges, to ...

How To Create Spring Boot Project Using Netbeans

Spring Boot is a handy tool that simplifies the development of Spring Framework applications by reducing the need for cumbersome configuration. In this tutorial, I'll guide you through creating a Spring Boot application using the Netbeans IDE. While you can certainly create a Spring Boot application in Netbeans manually, it's much easier with a plugin designed for Spring development. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started: 1. Install the Spring Boot Plugin: Open Netbeans and navigate to the Tools menu. Click on "Plugins." Once the Plugins window opens, select the "Available Plugins" tab. Look for the "Nb SpringBoot" plugin, then install and activate it. 2. Create a New Spring Boot Project: After restarting Netbeans IDE, you can create a new project with Spring Boot. Go to File > New Project. Under Categories, select Maven, then choose "Spring Boot Basic." 3. Add Dependencies: With your new project created, open the po...

Internet Explorer A Microsoft Legendary Web Browser

Internet Explorer Running On Windows 10 Internet Explorer has been gone since long ago, by gone i mean, the developer which is Microsoft is stop develops the classic beautiful web browser, it's not that bad browser, it's actually capable of doing modern web, even it's way behind the competitor like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. The latest version of Microsoft Internet explorer is Internet Explorer 11, it is not that obsolete, it's still available in Windows 10, so if you are missing internet explorer, you can just press windows key to open start menu then find internet explorer, it is still available and working fine. Even though it's been replaced by Microsoft new web browser, Microsoft edge. It's still behind Chrome and Firefox, Edge isn't going well, people still want fresh look, fast and integrated to their Google account, which is so far only Google Chrome can do that.

XAMPP HTTP Server For Windows

If you are a web developer, you must have a program that can make your own computer or laptop to be able to handle HTTP request, because by default, your computer wouldn't be able to handle that. Try to open your favorite web browser, and access at http://localhost , it shouldn't work, you need a program that can make your computer to handle such a thing,  it commonly called HTTP Server. If you are running Windows, XAMPP is program you need. It's because XAMPP is easy to install, easy to use and full package. You have all everything from not just HTTP but database system like MySQL or Maria DB, running PHP program and many other extra features. Basically XAMPP is just wrapper for Apache HTTPD, MariaDB  and PHP, it works by manage all that program to work and integrated altogether. XAMPP Control Panel It has control panel, so you don't need to open terminal and starting, reloading, restarting, stopping your HTTP server, you can just using GUI. The GUI is so simpl...

Windows 10 Calculator Best Calculator Program

Windows Calculator Interface Calculating number is one of our human problem, it is so hard when it comes to crunching number, if you are just normal person like me, like most of us, we need tool to do number calculation. In Windows 10, you already have pre-installed calculator program, so you do need to find it on Microsoft store or browsing in the internet. And yet, this new Windows calculator is better and has full of features and yet simple and easy to use. Calculator For Scientific, Programming Microsoft calculator is a powerful calculator program, it includes not just standard tool for calculating simple operation, but it also suited for scientific stuff, and if you are a computer programmer, it also has programmer modes, as well as a unit converter for example to convert decimal into hexadecimal number and many other. It's the perfect tool to add up a bill, convert measurements in a recipe or other project, or complete complex math, algebra, or geometry proble...

How To Make Windows 10 Text Or Font Size Larger Or Smaller

This tutorial is just a simple tutorial how to make your Windows operating system text larger or smaller. Follow these: 1. Press windows key (⊞) on your keyboard, then it will open start menu, then click the gear or cog icon (⚙) and it will open settings windows. Windows Display Settings 2. On settings, click or choose System, then a system menu will open, scroll down and locate Scale and layout, now choose your preferred font size, the best size it the one Recommended label, but it's okay for you to choose the bigger or the smaller you want. 3. But before it could work properly, you need to sign-out from windows then login again after that, or even better to restart your computer.

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