Spotify The Best Music Streaming Platform

Spotify is music streaming platform, it has huge collection of music for all over the world, from indie band songs to new hit pop songs. It's available on many different platform, from Android, Iphone, Windows PC, Mac OS, and web browser. It is really the best music platform in the world.

Spotify requires you to subscribe their monthly package if you want their premium services, but if you don't you can still listening music on their platform, but with limited features, like you can't skip to next song in playlist, and they display ads. But become premium member in Spotify is super easy, they offer many different payments method, and beside it is really affordable, only about 9.99$ per month.

Bad thing is, unlike illegal music download website, Spotify is a legal one, their brand is huge, so they need to pay some kind of royalty to their original singer, so the problem is, if label or singer didn;t want their music to be in Spotify, they can't do nothing, so their music can't be in Spotify.

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