IMDB Movie List For Cinephilia

IMDB Top 250 Movie List

If you are a Cinephilia, someone who loves movies so much, i am gonna guess if you must be already know this platform, IMDB. It is collection of the past, present and even future movie release. Not just movie though, but almost of entertainment including TV shows and documentaries. Not just that, but also actors and actresses is also presented.

IMDB helps you before or after you watch some movie you like,  you can see the movie rates, which rated by IMDB members, and you can also get involved on that. You can go to if you really interested to get involve in reviewing or just give rating to movie you already watched. But to make review on a movie, there's some moderation by IMDB, so every review that appear on IMDB was filtered and only review that has been approved by the IMDB.

There are some good list on IMDB, Most Popular TV shows, like Top 250 Movies, etc, which is contains list of movies by rating, so it basically a list of movies from the best on members opinion, if you check movie on the list and you didn't recognized it, i suggest you to watch one by one,  watching movie may change your perspective of life, to be understand life more better.

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