How to Fix Unknown USB Device (device descriptor request failed)
Windows is the most used and the best computer operating system (OS) on today technology, it is really huge and complicated software, this cause some complexity that Microsoft can't identifying this and became bug that frustrate so many user, including me. Whenever i face this problem, i can't connect or even turn on my Bluetooth device.
Here's how to fix this thing:
1. Unplug your adapter and all of USB port which connected to your device, for example flash drive
2. Open control panel -> Hardware and sound -> Devices and printer
Double click on your computer name
Then on appearing pop-up, click the tab Hardware, then again double click the Unknown USB Device
Click Change Settings
Choose or click Tab Driver, disable, then uninstall the device
That's all, now you have to restart your computer, or even better turn off your computer for awhile, then turn it off again after several minutes off.
If the problem persist, repeat the process, and make sure all the connected USB are unplugged.