How To Add Project To Github

Github is the most popular hosting version control in the world. It has large number of users and repositories, and it grows faster and faster each time. If you are software developer, you must at least have a version control, it useful for teamwork and backpacking your codes in case something bad like your computer accidentally damaging your storage, or anything else.

Here is easy step by step how you can add your codes to Github:

1. Download Git here install on you computer, and place git as your PATH terminal or command line, so you can directly access git on your terminal or command line

2. Now open terminal and change the directory to your project, something like:

cd /your/project/path

3. Using init git system control management:

git init

4. Now check the git status

git status

5. Set your name and email globally:

git config --global "John Doe"
git config --global

6. Adding file to git repository

git add .

7. Commit to repository

git commit -m "your comment"

8. Set remote (Github) repository, if you don't have one, go to github and create one, then use this command to set remote location

git remote add origin  

9. Then push your commits to github by this command:

git push origin master

After all that steps, now you can use this command anytime to check your git status

git add .
git commit -m "your comment"
git push origin master

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