
Showing posts from October, 2018

NoxPlayer Best Android Emulator for PC

If you want to run Android program on Windows PC, or other OS, you can use Android emulator. There are so many Android emulator out there, Nox or NoxPlayer is one of the greatest free Android emulator currently used by so many PC user. It is fast and has so many features like switching to portrait mode or landscape mode, shake the device, and any other useful tools i can't name it. You can install Nox android emulator by visiting the official website here  and go download page, download the installer, install and launch the program. (Nox android home) (Play store) (App installation) (Streaming Youtube video on android Nox emulator) That's short summary about Nox android emulator, it is really great in my opinion, you can try it on you own PC.

How to Fix Unknown USB Device (device descriptor request failed)

Windows is the most used and the best computer operating system (OS) on today technology, it is really huge and complicated software, this cause some complexity that Microsoft can't identifying this and became bug that frustrate so many user, including me. Whenever i face this problem, i can't connect or even turn on my Bluetooth device. Here's how to fix this thing: 1. Unplug your adapter and all of USB port which connected to your device, for example flash drive 2. Open control panel -> Hardware and sound -> Devices and printer Double click on your computer name Then on appearing pop-up, click the tab Hardware, then again double click the Unknown USB Device Click Change Settings Choose or click Tab Driver, disable, then uninstall the device That's all, now you have to restart your computer, or even better turn off your computer  for awhile, then turn it off again after several minutes off. If the problem persist, repeat the...

How To Use Whatsapp On Web Browser

Whatsapp is one of the most popular chatting application nowadays, this is a simple summary on how to chat on Whatsapp on web browser. Here is the steps: 1. Open your browser ( i am using google chrome, you can check how to install google  chrome here ), then type in web address bar : You can see Whatsapp web version as shown below, there is QR code on the right side of the page 2. Then open your Whatsapp mobile, on the top right click on three dotted icon, you will see list of menu, click on Whatsapp Web Point your mobile camera to browser to scan the bar code, if success you will can now using Whatsapp on the web.

How To Install Google Chrome

Google Chrome is undoubtedly the most used and the best web browser exists out there, it has better performance, features than any other browser out there. Here is how to install google chrome browser on your computer. 1. Open your existing browser, the one you currently use to access this blog, i am using Microsoft edge, then type in address bar: After the website fully load, locate your mouse on Download Chrome button, then click on it 2.  A pop-up will appear, it's a long not legal agreement, if you concern about something like privacy etc, just read it, if you don't. it  doesn't matter Now click the Accept and Install button located on the bottom of the pop-up 3. A confirmation will show on the bottom of your browser, click Run 4. Now wait for google chrome installation running until the process is complete And done, Google chrome shortcut icon will appear on your desktop of your computer. That's it,...

How to Turn Off Your Computer Properly

This tutorial is for Windows 10 user, but even if you are not using windows 10 OS, this tutorial may be still can be applied, just different look. So without further ado here is how you turn of your computer properly 1. Click the windows logo on the left bottom of your computer screen, then start menu will appear like the picture bellow 2. Click the switch off icon, it looks like upside down Q letter, after  you click that icon, list of black pop up will appear, they are, sleep, shut down and restart: If you want to just make your screen off, select sleep if you want to turn of and end of all of your programs, click shut down if you want to turn of, close all opened program, and start it again automatically, then click restart So now you know how to turn off your computer properly, hope it easy to follow.

How To Search On Google

Google is an amazing search engine, it answer all of you question, they given you bunch of link based on your search query. If you don't know how to use google, read this step by step: 1. Open your web browser, and type on address bar 2. Now click the big box under google logo, then type in your question or query, then press enter  3. Click one of the result, the text with blue color, if you click that, it will open a page which may answer your question. If you don't think the page you click answered your question, just click black and select another page or link, repeat it until you find a satisfied one That's how to use google search engine, it is fast and contains lot of list of answers.

How Make Youtube Dark Theme

Youtube is video sharing platform for watching videos free, it has a lot of videos uploaded by everyone on the world. Youtube shows amazing statistic million of people watch youtube videos , there is lot of money circulation on there, billions of dollar. I am not gonna talk about money, this post will show you how to make youtube darker, or using youtube dark theme. This dark theme is one of youtube new feuatures, i forget when did it started, but it's about early 2018. Here is how you can change youtube into dark theme. It is the web version, but if you change this settings while you login using your google account then your youtube mobile app will also be changed to dark theme. 1. Go to 2. On the top right of the page you'll see an icon, three dotted icon, then click on it, the list of menu will be shows up, an then click "Dark Theme" 3. After click the "Dark Theme" menu, click the toggle "Dark Theme" to turn i...

How To Set Up Your Blogger Domain To TLD Using Namcheap

If you want to have your own web, Blogger is one of so many solution available out here. Blogger is  a popular blogging platform of choice by so many blogger around the world including me. I created this blog using Blogger service, you can create your own too in no time. This post will cover how you can pointing your purchased domain on Namecheap to your Blogger blog. I will make this tutorial simpler and easy to understand. Without further ado, pleas follow the step below carefully, repeat it if you miss one of the step. 1. First, we assuming you already have a Namecheap account and Namecheap domain you purchased on it, if you didn't have account and domain on Namecheap , you can read this post how to create a namecheap account here Now sign in using your username and password 2. If you succesfully loged in, Now you are in namecheap dashboard you will se list of your purchased domain, on the right side of your domain click the Manage button 3. Yo...

How To Register A Namecheap Account

Namecheap is website where you can purchase domains or web hosting. They have cool feature and great customer services, it has live chat where you can use it 24/7 to talk to namecheap reps about your problem using their services. I've been contacting the so many times, the always nicely and help to solve all of my problems, it's been nice and i feel satisfied with their services. If you want to buy domains or server stuff, or maybe SSL (https), namecheap is one of my top recommendation. They support Paypal payment option, so transaction will be processed immediately, easy and secured. Below are the step to create or register a namecheap account, before you register, you must have an email aacount, you can using Gmail or Yahoo email, but i recommend you to use Gmail, it is on my opinion is the best email service. 1. You go to namecheap home page by opening web browser then type: on the address bar of your browser, you will se Sign Up link on left top o...

How To Buy A Domain On

If you want to have a website, you need a domain, it is making people easier to come to your website, you just need to give them for example: so people type on web browser and than can see your website running on that domain. There are so many domain provider out there, i can list it like  goddady, hostgator, bluehost and of course namecheap. I've been their client since a while, i found them really good domain provider, it's faster to buying domain on namecheap than any other company listed above or else, payment proccessing really really fast, using paypal, in just one your payment will be proccesed automatically in seconds, really fast. Sometimes i only took less than 2 minutes to buy a domain within namecheap. Here is steps provided for you how to buy a domain on 1. Go to, just click the link or you can type it yourself onto browser address bar 2. On a serachbox on namecheap website, you type in what domain name yo...

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